Cambodian garment workers campaign continues

Over 200 workers from the Chung Fai Knitwear factory in Cambodia have been fighting for over a year to get their wages and entitlements after the factory unexpectedly closed down. The mainly female workers have remain steadfast in their quest for justice. Their campaign has become international with progressively more labour groups supporting their demands. There is an international petition to sign on while the group Clean Clothes Campaign is also co-ordinating an international response.

Over 200 workers from the Chung Fai Knitwear factory in Cambodia have been fighting for over a year to get their wages and entitlements after the factory unexpectedly closed down. The mainly female workers have remain steadfast in their quest for justice. Their campaign has become international with progressively more labour groups supporting their demands. There is an international petition to sign on while the group Clean Clothes Campaign is also co-ordinating an international response.