Pakistan shipbreakers win wage increases

The ship breaking workers at the Gadani yards in Pakistan, won a 10% wage increase last week. While this increase is less than what they were demanding, it is still an important step forward considering the level of union repression in the past. There are now competing unions who are trying to organise this workforce. In addition to wages, health and safety is a paramount issue as many workers have been killed due to the dangerous conditions that they are made to work in.

The ship breaking workers at the Gadani yards in Pakistan, won a 10% wage increase last week. While this increase is less than what they were demanding, it is still an important step forward considering the level of union repression in the past. There are now competing unions who are trying to organise this workforce. In addition to wages, health and safety is a paramount issue as many workers have been killed due to the dangerous conditions that they are made to work in.