Repression intensifies post Turkish referendum

The recent referendum in Turkey on whether or not to expand the powers of the president, once again exposed the deep class rifts in Turkish society. The results highlighted the opposition’s strongholds in the industrialised and urbanised areas of Turkey, as well as the Kurdish south east. In addition, accusations of irregularities were dismissed by the Erdogan Government. As expected, after securing victory, the Government has restarted its campaign to isolate and weaken any real or perceived opposition. Last week, another 4,000 workers were dismissed, with others are facing jail sentences.

The recent referendum in Turkey on whether or not to expand the powers of the president, once again exposed the deep class rifts in Turkish society. The results highlighted the opposition’s strongholds in the industrialised and urbanised areas of Turkey, as well as the Kurdish south east. In addition, accusations of irregularities were dismissed by the Erdogan Government. As expected, after securing victory, the Government has restarted its campaign to isolate and weaken any real or perceived opposition. Last week, another 4,000 workers were dismissed, with others are facing jail sentences.