The cities of Homs and Hamah again saw general strikes on the 7th of July. Large demonstrations in other cities are also continuing. The popular movement is now organising neighbourhood defense committees to stop the repression from the military and pro-government militias. The Baath government headed by President Bashar al […]
Daily Archives: July 8, 2011
The Malaysian government has tried many tacticts to prevent the Bersih rally for democratic rights organised for Saturday 9 July in Kuala Lumpur. There have been banning orders and many arrests, some for wearing yellow t-shirts advertising the rally. Some on very serious fabricated charges. Socialists have been disproportionally targeted. […]
The Malaysian government has tried many tacticts to prevent the Bersih rally for democratic rights organised for Saturday 9 July in Kuala Lumpur. There have been banning orders and many arrests, some for wearing yellow t-shirts advertising the rally. Some on very serious fabricated charges. Socialists have been disproportionally targeted. […]
A military court on 29 June handed down one year suspended sentences to five workers who had been sacked by the Egyptian oil company Petrojet. The sentencing marked the first enforcement of Law 34/2011, announced by the military in March, which criminalizes protests and strikes that hinder production in any […]
A three-year struggle by an ITF-affiliated union in India, backed by an ITF campaign, has secured a victory for trailer truck drivers at a port terminal in India; they all now have a collective bargaining agreement. The Transport and Dockworkers’ Union (TDWU) won collective bargaining agreements for workers in the […]
Dramatic developments take place in Korea at Hanjin Heavy Industries shipyard and Yuseong Piston Ring. Private security forces and riot police forced out protesters from the shipyard and the police issued arrest warrants for Yuseong Piston Ring union leaders who in sign of protest have started a hunger strike in […]
"In May 2011, knitwear manufacturer Blossom Road in Thomastown shut down, leaving 27 clothing workers without jobs," says Michele O’Neil, National and Victorian Secretary of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia. "Blossom Road, which supplied Scanlan and Theodore, went into liquidation owing its workers more than half a […]
NAIDOC Week starts in Australia NAIDOC stands for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians. Today, NAIDOC is […]
Melbourne, Saturday 9 July at 1 pm Rally: Close Broadmeadows Detention Centre! Children out of detention! Kmart carpark, corner Sydney Road & Camp Road, Campbelfield Rally followed by march to Broadmeadows detention centre (Melbourne Immigration Transit Accomodation). No child should be locked behind fences for seeking asylum. We need to […]
Melbourne rally: Friday 22 July at 5pm, Sate Library Swanston Street Melbourne Multinational corporations act only to benefit the privileged few at the expense of the majority. They reinforce exploitation of poor people, try to smash unionism and undermine workers rights, they have been known to terrorise and murder union […]