Trade unions and church groups in the Philippines have joined together in calling a boycott of Philippine Airlines and Air Philippines in solidarity with the Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA). Philippine Airlines is putting into place a plan to outsource its ground crew, which would result in deep pay cuts […]
Monthly Archives: November 2011
Following on from the actions of the Qantas management in locking out its entire workforce, workers are still fighting the company’s to outsource its work. Last week there protests in many countries. Union representatives from around the world rallied outside the Australian High Commission in London to support Qantas workers. […]
Members of the New Zealand Meat Workers Union at CMP ANZCO have been targeted by a particularly vicious form of union busting. They have been locked out since 19 October to try to make them accept cuts in wages and working conditions and shift pattern changes. CMP ANZCO has proposed […]
ها هي الدول الإمبريالية إلى جانب غيرها من حكومات المنطقة -في قلب ذلك الصراع المحتدم حالياً في سوريا- تسعى لاحتلال موقعٍ ما لها في "سوريا مرحلة ما بعد الأسد"، و نظراً لأهمية سوريا البالغة استراتيجياً فإنّ تلك الأنظمة الإمبريالية و حليفاتها تهتم كثيراً بأخذ ما أمكن لها من نفوذٍ أو […]
Amid the intensifying conflict in Syria imperialist and other governments are starting to position themselves for the post Assad era. Given the strategic importance of Syria, many of these governments’ only concern is how to gain more power and influence for themselves or their local allies. We have constantly called […]
The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions has welcomed the recent High Court decision to grant the right to claim for residency status for migrant domestic workers. This ruling has created a xenophobic backlash among some sections of Hong Kong society. The HKCTU recently reiterated they were opposed to all […]
Wednesday 7 December at 6pm Room 1 Trades Hall Lygon Street Carlton Living wages not repression Labour movement activists in many countries are jailed or killed for demanding improvements in wages and conditions. How do we fight the repression? Open workshop for International Human Rights Day. Presentations from Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, […]
Wednesday 7 December at 6pm Room 1 Trades Hall Lygon Street Carlton Living wages not repression Labour movement activists in many countries are jailed or killed for demanding improvements in wages and conditions. How do we fight the repression? Open workshop for International Human Rights Day. Presentations from Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, […]
In a show of unity and strength on 8 November all the major trade unions in India joined protests to urgently draw the attention on various issues confronting workers including galloping inflation, contractualisation, outsourcing, social security provisions and minimum wages. Around 18,000 union members were taken into custody during the protest […]
Thailand’s devastating floods have forced nearly 100,000 Burmese migrant workers to return home, putting their livelihoods at risk. Floods have swamped Thailand’s central plains and parts of Bangkok since last month, affecting millions of people. The disaster had an immediate impact on the migrant labour force, which numbers about 2 million registered […]