Foxconn is one of Apple’s biggest manufacturing partners. It employs hundreds of thousands of workers in China in huge industrial complexes. A recent report into the working conditions of electronic workers once again highlighted the shocking conditions workers have to endure. Independent unions are not allowed at Foxconn. Click here […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
The fight against contracting out at Philippines Airlines is ongoing. Around 1,800 members of PALEA, the local union, are still holding their picket line and demanding their jobs back. They are not being intimidated by constant harassment, including judicial hearing against them. International support for their struggle keeps expanding. Click […]
While last year finally saw the release of Mansour Osanloo from jail, the repression against trade unionists continues unabated in 2012. Mr. Sheis Amani and Sediq Karimi, both executive members of the Free Union of Workers were jailed in January of this year for trade union activities. Mr. Karimi has […]
Somyot Prueksakasemsuk was arrested last year on charges of Lèse Majesté and is facing up to 30 years’ jail. The government is continuing to victimise Somyot by constantly moving him and creating new charges against him. For more information and solidarity for Somyot. An international campaign against the Lese Majeste law […]