As previously reported, two tutors, Ms. Oh Soo-young and Ms. Yeo Min-hee, had been protesting their dismissal from Jaenung Education (JEI), a private education institute, since the end of 2007. This week, JEI agreed to reinstate all of the 11 workers fired back in December of 2007 as well as […]
Monthly Archives: September 2013
This week massive protests were held all over the Philippines to protest against the wide scale corruption that exists in the Philippines political system. What triggered this outcry were the recent revelations about the US $232 million that businesswoman Janet Lim Napoles embezzled to pay bribes to politicians. With many […]
As reported previously, the government of Kuwait has deported thousands of workers this year in an unrelenting campaign against migrant workers under the guise of law and order. This has led to workers being victimised, being afraid to report crimes against them, as well as literally being deported off the […]
Ms. Mandana Ismail Abewickrema is the Associate Editor for The Sunday Leader and president of Sri Lanka’s first trade union for journalists. Mandana was confronted by four assailants in the middle of the night who told her that they had been hired because someone had put a contract on her. […]