This week another two polio workers were killed by a land mine while doing their job in the Alingar area in Tehsil Safi near the border with Afghanistan. While the rate of unionisation is low, workers in Pakistan nevertheless continue to organise for better wages and conditions. They also have […]
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Following on from the successful global day of action in September for a new minimum wage of US$ 177/month, the companies and the Cambodian government are trying to stall the process. This week the government announced that the decision setting a new minimum wage was postponed to an unspecified later […]
As reported previously, most large ships in the world get taken to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh to be broken up. Workers are kept un-organised so that wages are low and health and safety standards extremely low, leading to many deaths and injuries. A new report by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform […]
Members of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) called a general strike on 29 September to demand direct elections and condemn violence against Occupy Central protesters. Several thousand workers heeded the strike call, including social workers, teachers and logistics workers for Swire Beverages (a Coca Cola distributor). Occupy […]
The Philippines subsidiary of Dutch IT multinational, Philips, tried to bust the union and avoid signing a collective agreement by firing 24 officials of Metal Workers Alliance of the Philippines. Now 12 out of the 24 have won their jobs back, while the other 12 will be given a compensation […]
The new Modi government in India is intent on privatising state assets and using public-private partnerships to develop future infrastructure (listen to radio interview here). On 19 September an estimated half a million workers stopped work to protest the government’s plans to privatise the railways. The International Transport Federation has […]
The disgraceful string of deaths continues at Rio Tinto’s Freeport mine in West Papua – the biggest gold and copper mine in the world. Several workers were shot dead after a strike in 2011, and 28 workers were killed in a tunnel collapse in 2013. On 27 September 2014 another […]
In November last year 15 union officials and 179 union members were sacked for striking against Palla Shoes’ decision to refuse wage increases. The fired unionists have also been blacklisted at other workplaces. Global unions and NGOs have been campaigning for Bata shoes, one of the factory’s buyers, to insist […]
Join the march to Liberal Party headquarters in Melbourne at 2:00pm on 11 October to demand rights for refugees. The demands of the rally are: Permanent protection not temporary visas No Cambodia Deal No Boat Tow Backs No Offshore or Onshore Detention Stop the scapegoating of refugees and Muslims