As reported earlier in October, there is a growing protest movement among Palestinians who are who want to break out of the ongoing repression and restrictions of living under Israeli control. The partition wall that Israel built to annex more Palestinian lands has become one of the focus for the […]
Daily Archives: November 2, 2015
As mentioned a number of times before, the shipbreaking yards in South Asia are incredibly dangerous places for workers. Widespread poverty, repression of any independent trade unions, and collusion by local government agencies, allow companies to disregard health and safety issues. This week, another three workers employed by the S. […]
As reported previously, see here and here, the death of Shahrokh Zamani while in jail, sparked protest actions all around the world. This year has seen an increase in actions by workers in Iran with teachers taking the lead in organising actions. Unfortunately, the repression by the Iranian government continues […]
The last few decades, in many parts of West Asia and North Africa, political Islam has grown to become a dominant force, especially in countries where wars and dictatorships have ravaged societies. Many of these movements are also very anti union and against indepenced labour organising. In many of the […]
Australia’s anti asylum seeker policies are some of the harshest in the world, with many asylum seekers remaining in detention for years. Last week, saw the inhumane debacle of a Somali woman incarcerated in Nauru being shuttled to Australia and back but not receiving the medical care she so desperately […]
The Samsung company is one of the most known brands in the world selling countless products in the electronics, entertainment and domestic appliances sectors. It is also a brutal anti worker company that in South Korea prides itself in having being able to stop workers forming independent unions in its […]
While the political situation in Turkey is becoming ever more difficult for labour and human rights activists, the fight by workers for better wages and conditions continue. Almost a year ago, 14 workers employed at SF Leather were sacked because they joined a union and tried to unionise their workplace. […]