
Lufthansa cancelled two thirds of its flights last week after cabin attendants walked off the job at airports across Germany in an escalating battle with the airline.  

The flight attendants, represented by the UFO union, walked off the job at midnight on Thursday in a 24 hour strike that analysts say cost Lufthansa more than seven million euros.  

Flights resumed on Saturday when Lufthansa and the UFO agreed to enter into mediation as well as Lufthansa agreeing to make some temporary workers permanent.


Lufthansa cancelled two thirds of its flights last week after cabin attendants walked off the job at airports across Germany in an escalating battle with the airline.  

The flight attendants, represented by the UFO union, walked off the job at midnight on Thursday in a 24 hour strike that analysts say cost Lufthansa more than seven million euros.  

Flights resumed on Saturday when Lufthansa and the UFO agreed to enter into mediation as well as Lufthansa agreeing to make some temporary workers permanent.