A massive campaign of sackings, imprisonment and violence against workers, and their trade union representatives, has been unleashed by the Bahraini government. This is in reprisal for workers participating in strike and protest actions for greater democracy in the country. Join an international solidarity campaign to stop the repression.
Blog entry
fight for democratic rights – fight for workers rights حاربوا من أجل حقوقكم الديمقراطية – حاربوا من أجل حقوق العمال نبرد برای حقوق دمکراتیک. نبرد برای حقوق کارگران Inspired by victories against oppressive governments in Tunisia and Egypt, protests and uprisings are continuing right across North Africa and West Asia. […]
March on May Day 1pm Sunday 1 May Trades Hall Lygon St Carlton International industrial action & solidarity Direct democratic control of our workplaces & communities Oppose imperialist interventions Workers fight to win download leaflet
fight for democratic rights fight for workers rights Inspired by victories against oppressive governments in Tunisia and Egypt, protests and uprisings are continuing right across North Africa and West Asia. Growing popular movements create the opportunity to reshape the current order. They offer a way to overcome the religious, ethnic […]
ها هي المظاهرات و الانتفاضات تتوالى و تستمر في بلاد شمال أفريقيا و غرب آسيا نتيجة للالهام الذي أثارته ثورتا تونس و مصر. إن هذه الحركات الشعبية المتنامية سوف تخلق الفرصة لتغيير جذري في الأنظمة السائدة حالياٌ ، فهي تمهد السبيل للتغلب على الفوارق الطائفية و العرقية و الجنسية التي […]
Click here to send your message of solidarity to unions in Japan. To our comrades in Japan: We have seen the news and feel great sorrow. We know that most people will now generously work together to restore and rebuild the areas that are so badly damaged. Working people everywhere […]
US / EU intervention no ! Workers action yes ! Rally: Stop the repression Defend workers & democratic rights in Libya, Yemen & Bahrain Saturday 5 March at 3pm, State Library, Swanston Street Melbourne
Migrant workers run much of the industry in the oil production areas of North Africa and West Asia. In the Libyan crisis the oil companies have simply abandoned thousands of migrant workers to fend for themselves in the desert. More on the crisis here. The Western companies and Western governments […]
New Delhi, 23 February. Unions organise the biggest ever mobilization in the Indian capital. Workers from left and centre union federations came together protesting against price rise, unemployment, labour law violations and disinvestment. The mass rally saw men and women from all sections of industry, government employees, workers from banks, […]
Dal Sik Kim, General Secretary of the Korean Transport Workers’ Union has just completed a solidarity visit the MUA in Australia. Comrade Kim has endured long periods in prison for standing up for the rights of Korean workers and campaigning against the scourge of casualization, which he sees as a […]