Defending Workers and Indigenous Rights Building bridges and global resistance against Multinational Corporations MELBOURNE 12th, 13th & 14th November Trades Hall Lygon St Carlton SYDNEY 26th & 27th November Unions NSW, 4-10 Goulburn St Sydney Registration: $30/$20/$10 or $35/$25/$15 at the door To register please contact James 0417 732 698 […]
Blog entry
Zhao Dongmin, after a year in police custody, was recently found guilty of ‘disrupting public order’ by a court in northern Shaanxi province. He was sentenced to three years in jail. Zhao, a lawyer by training and a Communist Party member, had tried to set up a multi-factory committee to […]
In a long running dispute, 134 teachers, all union trade members, in south Korea are facing imminent dismissal. The Korean Education ministry wants to dismiss these workers for allegedly breaching the ‘political neutrality law’ for public servants by supporting an opposition party. The Education ministry had tried to dismiss […]
Ark Tribe is a building worker who was charged two years ago for failing to attend an interview under the draconian powers of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC). Ark is facing up to 6 months in prison. The magistrate was supposed to hand down his decision on the […]
Cambodian garment workers have taken industrial action to further a campaign to increase the minimum wage from $50 per month to between $75 and $93 per month. Workers took legal strike action from 13th to the 17th September after a tripartite body decided to increase wages to only $61. But […]
As part of the process of developing the Global Labour Movement Charter AAWL now has a page on UnionBook, the social network for trade unionists. If you join the AAWL at UnionBook group you can participate in the discussion about the Global Labour Movement Charter and the AAWL proposal for […]
On 29 September there was a General Strike in Spain – across the country picketers took to the streets to protest against government austerity measures in a 24-hour general strike called by the nation’s main labour unions. On 12th October there was a General Strike in France – the third […]
The campaign to free Han Sang-kyun continues. The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and the Korean Metal Workers Union have endorsed a new joint leaflet, designed for distribution at union workplaces in the Asia Pacific region. Comrade Han, former Chairman of the Ssangyong Motor Company Union (KMWU), was jailed because of […]
The KCTU has called for international participation in a People’s Week of Collective Action protesting the G20 Seoul Summit. The Lee Myeong-bak administration is using the upcoming Summit as an excuse to strengthen repression against South Korean workers and labour unions, ordinary people and social movements in South Korea. At […]
How can we use OHS for international organising? How do we achieve a global ban on asbestos? AAWL Public Meeting Wednesday 3 November 2010 6:30 – 8 pm Trades Hall, Lygon Street, Carlton Report from the 2010 OHS Conference, Melbourne Download leaflet