Update on the Free Osanloo Campaign Click here for your latest Asian Workers Organising – August 2010 Analysis of the post-election protest movement in Iran
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At least 2 million migrants from Burma work in low-skilled, dirty and dangerous jobs in Thailand from which they frequently incur accidents and disease. Since 2001, Thailand has discriminated against migrant work accident victims from Burma by denying them access to the Workmen’s Compensation Fund (WCF), even though all workers […]
The Building and Wood Workers Trade Union of Cambodia (BWTUC), an affiliate of BWI, has been struggling to organise KC GECIN Enterprise, a construction company in Phnom Penh. The company employs around 160 workers. Instead of recognising the union and starting a process to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, the […]
WRP Buana Multicopora is a Malaysian company operating in Medan, Indonesia. On June 12, 2009 the company dismissed 400 workers because they went on strike to give solidarity for 7 workers who resigned from the company but did not receive severance pay. Since then the workers have kept fighting against […]
The Latin American Forum conference achieved some valuable discussions thanks to the international delegates, participants and organisers. Click here to read the report presented by AAWL at the conference Conferences coming up: Annual Occupational Health & Safety Reps Conference Wednesday 27 October – Melbourne Convention […]
The recent flooding in Pakistan has been devastating for many workers. APHEDA and Médecins Sans Frontières are two of the many organisations that have responded to the crisis. APHEDA is working with their partner in Pakistan, the Labour Education Foundation (LEF) which combined with the National Trade Union Federation, the […]
At a recent Refugee Advocacy Network meeting in Melbourne it was decided to ask all the refugee and asylum seeker networks, agencies and community groups to support and participate in a Peoples Assembly in Canberra. 12.30pm, Tuesday 28 September 2010 on the lawns outside Parliament House.
AAWL General Meeting Wednesday 6 October at 6:30 pm Trades Hall, Lygon Street, Carlton Women Workers Organising Women are deeply involved in workplace struggles. They need to be in the leadership of the labour movement. Report from Women Workers Lead conference in Jakarta Discussions, proposals for action Download leaflet This […]
The labour movement globally is at a critical stage in terms of struggle, but we need a clear and positive working class strategy to resolve the many interconnected problems that face workers. These conferences are some opportunities for workers to decide together the next steps in our struggles. […]
We would like to see a global workers’ meeting that can discuss a global labour movement charter of industrial and social demands. In order to have a global labour movement meeting, we propose an interim step, a regional labour movement meeting. We think that a regional workers’ meeting could discuss […]