On Wednesday June 23rd Zoya Samadi, Mansour Osanloo’s daughter in law, was leaving work to go home. Samadi was brutally accosted by agents from the Ministry of Intelligence at the Tarasht metro station. Mansour Osanloo is the head of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran & Suburbs Bus Company. After […]
On Wednesday June 23rd Zoya Samadi, Mansour Osanloo’s daughter in law, was leaving work to go home. Samadi was brutally accosted by agents from the Ministry of Intelligence at the Tarasht metro station. Mansour Osanloo is the head of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran & Suburbs Bus Company. After […]
Program 05.06.2010 Labour updates on ongoing industrial issues in the Asia Pacific region. Interview with Jones Espino from the Migrant Trade Union in South Korea. File Download (28:57 min / 27 MB) Program 13.06.2010 Labour news and updates from the region. Interview with Geoffrey Crothall, Communications Director China Labour Bulletin, […]
Program 05.06.2010 Labour updates on ongoing industrial issues in the Asia Pacific region. Interview with Jones Espino from the Migrant Trade Union in South Korea. File Download (28:57 min / 27 MB) Program 13.06.2010 Labour news and updates from the region. Interview with Geoffrey Crothall, Communications Director China Labour Bulletin, […]
Somyot Pruksakasemsuk was released on Sunday night, 13 June, from a prison at a Thai army base. He had been imprisoned since 24 May, together with academic Suthachai Yimprasert from Chulalongkom University, after the two presented themselves to police after they heard arrest warrants had been issued for them. The […]
Somyot Pruksakasemsuk was released on Sunday night, 13 June, from a prison at a Thai army base. He had been imprisoned since 24 May, together with academic Suthachai Yimprasert from Chulalongkom University, after the two presented themselves to police after they heard arrest warrants had been issued for them. The […]
wednesday 7 july 2010 Reports from Iranian Workers and Activists 6:30 pm – all welcome trades hall, lygon street, carlton
wednesday 7 july 2010 Reports from Iranian Workers and Activists 6:30 pm – all welcome trades hall, lygon street, carlton
Rally: Saturday 5 June at 2 pm State Library, Swanston Street Melbourne On 31 May the Freedom Flotilla was attacked by the Israel Navy: At least 10 and maybe as many as 19 solidarity activists were killed, dozens injured. The Freedom Flotilla is an international solidarity project delivering aid to […]
Rally: Saturday 5 June at 2 pm State Library, Swanston Street Melbourne On 31 May the Freedom Flotilla was attacked by the Israel Navy: At least 10 and maybe as many as 19 solidarity activists were killed, dozens injured. The Freedom Flotilla is an international solidarity project delivering aid to […]