In a major win in the closing weeks of 2009, unions representing more than 1,200 workers at Nestlé India’s factories in Moga, Ponda and Bicholim signed collective bargaining agreements on wages and benefits for the first time – marking a major achievement in their year-long struggle for the right to […]
Some 10,000 workers of the former state-run tobacco monopoly, their family members and supporters are currently demonstrating in Ankara in protest against a snap government decision to close their workplaces at the end of January 2010. They demand fair treatment in accordance with the law, which means the transfer to […]
Clerical workers at The Age have taken protected industrial action outside the new headquarters in Collins St, Melbourne, after newspaper management allowed negotiations to break down. Workers are taking action after the newspaper’s management refused to budge on a 2.25% wage offer, and insisted on a flexibility clause that would […]
The National Garment Workers Federation organized a rally of garment workers named "Garment Workers Human Rights Protection Rally" in the capital city Dhaka. Several hundred garment workers participated in this with red flags. It was led by the president and general secretary of the NGWF, Amirul Haque Amin and Miss […]
In Pakistan on Thursday 10 December the Labour Unity Alliance ( APFUTU, APFOL, PNFTU, GFTU ) organised a countrywide day of protest against the recent hike in fuel prices, the gradual takeover of the country by US forces with the presence of US marines in Islamabad and other strategic locations […]
The South Korean government has declared a concentrated crackdown on undocumented migrant workers from October to December 2009. During this time the government will conduct raids throughout the country, arresting and deporting as many undocumented migrants as possible. This is not only an attack on undocumented migrants but on all […]
Low and unequal pay, heavy workloads, poor working conditions and a lack of opportunities have pressured many health workers, a majority of them women, to leave their jobs in the health care sector to find other employment opportunities or to migrate abroad. The situation is true in both developing and […]
The IUF and ITUC have together lodged a formal complaint against the government of Iran with the ILO’s Committee on Freedom of Association in response to the recent imprisonment of 5 leaders of the independent Haft Tapeh Sugar Workers Union, an IUF affiliate. The complaint reviews the serial violations of […]
Postal workers are ready to halt all industrial action planned for Friday 18 December through to Monday evening if Australia Post senior management agrees to meet to resolve outstanding issues in the postal dispute. “We’ve been asking for a meeting with senior management for some time. Chief Operating Officer Jim […]
In the weeks before Christmas, Triumph International keeps its doors shut for representatives of Thai and Philippine unions that are fighting against mass-dismissals at three Triumph subsidiaries. The unions have come to Europe to put pressure on Triumph International to stop their global restructuring plan at the cost of union […]