Following the Ministry of Labor’s refusal to acknowledge the Korean Government Employees’ Union (KGEU) as a legal labor union, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s (MOPAS) decision to amend regulations for government employees to forbid any political activity. This would prohibit government employees from engaging in any acts that […]
A position dedicated to helping the union support 457 visa workers has been created in the AMWU. Michael Buckley from The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has joined the Melbourne office to provide information and support to organisers who are assisting workers on 457 visas. Find out more here. […]
A position dedicated to helping the union support 457 visa workers has been created in the AMWU. Michael Buckley from The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has joined the Melbourne office to provide information and support to organisers who are assisting workers on 457 visas. Find out more here. […]
Dockers in the Sri Lankan port of Colombo ended industrial action this week after a pay deal was negotiated. The dockers, represented by a trade union alliance including ITF-affiliates and employed at the state-run Jaya Container Terminal, won the settlement on 16 November. The Sri Lanka ports authority agreed to […]
Dockers in the Sri Lankan port of Colombo ended industrial action this week after a pay deal was negotiated. The dockers, represented by a trade union alliance including ITF-affiliates and employed at the state-run Jaya Container Terminal, won the settlement on 16 November. The Sri Lanka ports authority agreed to […]
The struggle to ban asbestos continues with some successes but against the backdrop of massive pollution and contamination continuing, and strong resistance by many companies to having bans on the mining, importation and use of asbestos. Rajastan: Ministry suggests lifting ban on asbestos mines The Minister of Mines and Development […]
The struggle to ban asbestos continues with some successes but against the backdrop of massive pollution and contamination continuing, and strong resistance by many companies to having bans on the mining, importation and use of asbestos. Rajastan: Ministry suggests lifting ban on asbestos mines The Minister of Mines and Development […]
The ASU has been campaigning for many years to improve Australia’s call centres for those working in the industry. Most recently they have launched the "It’s your call: improving Australian call centres for workers – 2009 Survey Report", an analysis of the results of their second major survey of the […]
The ASU has been campaigning for many years to improve Australia’s call centres for those working in the industry. Most recently they have launched the "It’s your call: improving Australian call centres for workers – 2009 Survey Report", an analysis of the results of their second major survey of the […]
The leaders of Iran’s independent sugarworkers union are now in prison in the city of Dezful, serving sentences for their trade union activity. Send a message to the Iranian state and judicial authorities, calling on them to immediately and unconditionally release the jailed unionists. For full report and solidarity action, […]