The leaders of Iran’s independent sugarworkers union are now in prison in the city of Dezful, serving sentences for their trade union activity. Send a message to the Iranian state and judicial authorities, calling on them to immediately and unconditionally release the jailed unionists. For full report and solidarity action, […]
The saga of the 78 Sri Lankan asylum seekers who, due to Australia’s hard line policy on asylum seekers, spent weeks stuck on the Oceanic Viking off the coast of Indonesia, has seen Australian unions pledge $10,000 to the refugees to help them in their crisis. Paddy Crumlin, national secretary […]
The saga of the 78 Sri Lankan asylum seekers who, due to Australia’s hard line policy on asylum seekers, spent weeks stuck on the Oceanic Viking off the coast of Indonesia, has seen Australian unions pledge $10,000 to the refugees to help them in their crisis. Paddy Crumlin, national secretary […]
URGENT ACTION Tata, the transnational Indian conglomerate whose Tetley Group makes the world famous Tetley teas, has taken 6,500 people hostage through hunger. The hostages are nearly 1,000 tea plantation workers and their families on the Nowera Nuddy Tea Estate in West Bengal, India. Permanently living on the edge of […]
URGENT ACTION Tata, the transnational Indian conglomerate whose Tetley Group makes the world famous Tetley teas, has taken 6,500 people hostage through hunger. The hostages are nearly 1,000 tea plantation workers and their families on the Nowera Nuddy Tea Estate in West Bengal, India. Permanently living on the edge of […]
Almost 4000 social and community services workers in not-for-profit organisations (NGOs) from across Victoria came together to rally in Melbourne calling on the state government to fund the sector properly chanting we don’t want charity, we just want parity. ASU delegate Pia Cerveri said that today ‘showed that my colleagues […]
Almost 4000 social and community services workers in not-for-profit organisations (NGOs) from across Victoria came together to rally in Melbourne calling on the state government to fund the sector properly chanting we don’t want charity, we just want parity. ASU delegate Pia Cerveri said that today ‘showed that my colleagues […]
More than seven years have now passed since more than 600 employees at the Cabuyao factory of Nestlé Philippines, Inc. went on strike to enforce their right to negotiate their retirement benefits. The Supreme Court’s repeated rulings in their favor on this issue have failed to render justice, as the […]
More than seven years have now passed since more than 600 employees at the Cabuyao factory of Nestlé Philippines, Inc. went on strike to enforce their right to negotiate their retirement benefits. The Supreme Court’s repeated rulings in their favor on this issue have failed to render justice, as the […]
Rachna Dhingra, 32, originally from Delhi, was just six years old when the world’s worst industrial disaster struck Bhopal in 1984. She is one of a group of activists making a European bus tour on the 25 anniversary of the Bhopal blast. She says her reasons are "To tell people […]