Sri Lankan Palla Shoe workers need solidarity

In November last year 15 union officials and 179 union members were sacked for striking against Palla Shoes’ decision to refuse wage increases. The fired unionists have also been blacklisted at other workplaces. Global unions and NGOs have been campaigning for Bata shoes, one of the factory’s buyers, to insist on decent labour standards at Palla. But instead Bata has stopped buying from the factory since the sackings, and denies any responsibility. This is a common limitation of the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. Send emails to Bata and Palla supporting the workers’ demands for reinstatement and compensation.

In November last year 15 union officials and 179 union members were sacked for striking against Palla Shoes’ decision to refuse wage increases. The fired unionists have also been blacklisted at other workplaces. Global unions and NGOs have been campaigning for Bata shoes, one of the factory’s buyers, to insist on decent labour standards at Palla. But instead Bata has stopped buying from the factory since the sackings, and denies any responsibility. This is a common limitation of the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. Send emails to Bata and Palla supporting the workers’ demands for reinstatement and compensation.